
At TAS Academy, industry experts and in-house trainers offer classes that target your company's needs. We offer a variety of technical courses with topics on gasfitter licensing, AC boot camps, Daikin-certified training, duct sizing and more. Classes are held at our Derry CDC and Nashua locations, instructed by state-certified technician Randal Ripley.

Click the YouTube logo below to view educational videos.


Discover a new world of energy efficiency! Enjoy specialty training about Daikin’s integrated heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems from their trained professionals through your Daikin account. Click here for step-by-step instructions on creating your account.

Join Randal's Technicians Email Club!

Email Club: Don’t forget to tell all your technicians about Randal’s Tech-to-Tech Column and the email club with industry updates, first chance to sign up for free NATE beta testing and our class schedules. To join, simply send your name in the body and “sign me up” in the subject line to [email protected] or fill out the form by clicking the button below.

Total Air Supply, LLC
171 East Hollis St.
Nashua, NH 03060